Drawing of general arrangement of Planet locomotive

Drawing of layout of boiler and frame

Drawing of details of driving wheels for locomotive

Drawing of details of inner frame for locomotive

Drawing of eccentric for Planet locomotive

Drawing of details of connection between firebox and inner frame of locomotive

Drawing of details of support bracket for boiler barrel

Drawing of cylinder rear cover

Drawing of assembly of eccentric and valve connecting rods

Drawing of cylinder front cover

Drawing of arrangement and details of water tank for Planet locomotive

Drawing of piston

Drawing of general arrangement of tender

Drawing of cylinder foot

Drawing of general arrangement of Stephenson type brake for tender

Drawing of locomotive chimney details

Drawing of arrangement and details of chimney for locomotive

Drawing of details of non driving wheels for locomotive

Drawing of general arrangement of footplate area (sheet no 1)

Drawing of details of intermediate bearings

Drawing of cylinder

Drawing of details of connecting rod

Drawing of assembly of cylinder and steam chest

Drawing of detail of axle boxes for locomotive

Drawing of detail of chassis for Planet tender

Drawing of detail of axle boxes for tender

Drawing of arrangement of wheel assembly for tender

Drawing of steam chest